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International Literacy Day

Today we are celebrating International Literacy Day by teaming up with UK based charity Books2Africa.
New data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics show that 617 million children and adolescents worldwide are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. Sub-Saharan Africa has the single largest number – 202 million – of children and adolescents who are not learning. Across the region, nearly nine out of ten kids between the ages of about 6 and 14 are not gaining minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics.

Books2Africa charity collects and sends donated books to increase the quality of education in Africa by helping individuals and communities to access, read, and understand books, and to extend the life and impact of books by decreasing book waste and increasing book 'readcycling'.

We were delighted to donate 200 of the ever popular Cones on the Rails books to the charity and hope they go someway to help provide reading material for young children in Africa

Books to Africa