Standalone QTT
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Basingstoke Train Station
Basingstoke station
Station Hill
RG21 5NB
Ticket office opening hours:
Monday - Friday - 06:00 to 21:30
Saturday - 06:00 to 21:30
Sunday - 07:00 to 21:30
- YES Waiting room
- YES Ticket machine
- YES Toilet
- YES Impaired Access Staff
Station facilities
- Accessible Public Telephones YES Yes
- Accessible Taxis YES Yes
- First Class Lounge No
- Help Points YES Yes
- Impaired Accessible Booking Office Counter YES Yes
- Impared Access Staff YES Yes
- Impared Access Ticket Gate YES Yes
- Impaired Accessible Ticket Machines YES Yes
- Induction Loop No
- Impaired Mobility Set Down No
- National Key Toilets YES Yes
- Ramp for Train Access YES Yes
- Wheel chairs Available YES Yes
Impaired Access Helpline Hours
Monday - Friday - open 24h
Saturday - open 24h
Sunday - open 24h -
Impaired Access Staff Help Hours
Monday - Friday - open 24h
Saturday - open 24h
Sunday - open 24h -
Accessible Taxis
Provided by 3rd party companies, subject to availability.
Accesible Ticket Machine
All South Western Railway ticket machines are able to sell tickets with Disabled Persons Railcard discounts. All machines are accessible, however the station may not be so please check the station access note for further details
- Customer Help Point Customer Help points are located on every platform
- Helpline YES Yes
Helpline Contact Details
0800 5282100
- Helpline Contact URL
Helpline Open Note
24 hours a day, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day
Step Free Access
Step-free category B2 station. This station has step-free access to all platforms via lifts from the main entrance. The rear entrance has level access to Platforms 4 and 5 (and to other platforms via lifts) but is only open Monday-Friday 0600 until 1000 and from 1500 until 2345 (closed at weekends) - outside these times a stepped subway must be used. The alternative step-free route from the rear to the main entrance via the street is approximately 380m and includes missing dropped kerbs and sections of route without a pavement.
Coverage: partial Station - Step Free Access Coverage Whole Station
Baggage Services
- Left Luggage: Available No
- Left Luggage: URL
Bus information
- Bus Service: Availability YES Yes
- Bus Service: Note Information to plan your onward journey is available in a printable format here (
Cycle Storage
- Availability YES Yes
- Closed Circuit TV YES Yes
Car park and platform 4
- Sheltered YES Yes
- Spaces 170
Dining and Shopping
- Dining & Shopping: Shops YES Yes
- Dining & Shopping: Station Buffet YES Yes
Mail and Express Services
Post Box: Note
Outside station
Post Box: Note
Phones, Internet & Wi-fi
- Station Amenities: Telephone YES Yes
- Web Kiosk: Available No
- Telephone: Usage Type Cards And Coins
Car Parking Details
Parking 1:
Name: Basingstoke Bunion Place and North Yard Multi- Storey
Spaces: 1207
Off-peak: £5.00
PerHour: £1.70
Daily: £10.00
Weekly: £39.90
Monthly: £140.70
ThreeMonthly: £422.10
Annual: £1,407.00
Saturday: £5.00
Sunday: £5.00
Note:RingGo Code: 2012 (Bunnian Place) or 2001 (North Yard multi-storey).
18 EV Charging points in the North Yard multi-storey.
Hourly rate available from 1200 from RingGo ONLY.
Bank Holiday £5.00.
Off-Peak from 1200 Monday to Friday. Weekend ticket available from 0001 Friday until 0359 Tuesday £15.00.
Blue Badge parking
Parking spaces for Blue Badge holders are available at many of our stations. A valid European Blue Parking Badge must be clearly displayed when you park in a disabled parking space.
Parking is complimentary for Blue Badge holders who register via the link below. Where there are blue-badge parking spaces in short stay areas, charges do not apply but you must not park for longer than 20 minutes.
Register for Complimentary Blue Badge Parking.
Number Accessible Spaces: 18
Accessible Car Park Equipment: No
Cctv: Yes
Parking 2:
Name: Basingstoke Premium Car Park
Spaces: 20
Off-peak: £6.20
Daily: £12.50
Annual: £1,799.00
Saturday: £6.20
Sunday: £6.20
Note:RingGo Code 2024.
Bank Holiday £6.20.
Off-Peak from 1200 Monday to Friday. Weekend ticket available from 0001 Friday until 0359 Tuesday £18.60.
Number Accessible Spaces: 10
Accessible Car Park Equipment: No
Cctv: Yes
Car Parking Details
Parking 1:
- Toilets YES Yes
- Baby Change YES Yes
Toilets Note
The toilets are located on all the platforms. The National key toilets are located on Platform 1, Platforms 2/3 and Platform 4; these toilets are operated by a radar key. A radar key is available from station staff upon request. A 'National Key Scheme' key [RADAR] can be purchased by contacting the following. Address: 12 City Forum, 250 City Road, London, EC1V 8AF. Tel: 020 7250 3222. Minicom: 020 7250 4119. Fax: 020 7250 0212. Email:
Station Location & Directions
- Latitude 51.26835654
- Longitude -1.087259112
Station Information
- Baby Change YES Yes
- Bureau De Change No
- Lost Property YES Yes
- Post Box YES Yes
- Shops YES Yes
- Seated Area YES Yes
- Station Buffet YES Yes
- Showers No
- Trolley No
- Wifi YES Yes
- Waiting Room YES Yes
- Lost Property: URL
- Customer Service Note Please contact our Customer Service Centre on 0345 6000 650
- Staffing Level YES Yes
Ticketing Hours
Ticket Office Hours
Monday - Friday - 06:00 to 21:30
Saturday - 06:00 to 21:30
Sunday - 07:00 to 21:30
Ticket Office Hours
Monday - Friday - 06:00 to 21:30
Ticketing Services & Information
- Oyster Pre-Pay No
- Pre-Purchase Collection YES Yes
- Ticket Machine YES Yes
- Customer Service Note In the booking hall.
- Penalty Fares SW
Smartcard Notes
Smartcard Issued: Yes
Smartcard Validator: YesBasingstoke ticket office can issue new smartcards and sell tickets to smartcards including Flexi Seasons.
Taxi Information
- Availability YES Yes
- Note Outside Station Entrance
Other transportation
Rail Replacement Services
Station Forecourt, off Alencon Link
Rail Replacement Services
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