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5 ways to save money on train travel
Grand Central is dedicated to helping you find the best fare possible. With no booking fee added to your purchase we want to make sure you get the best deal on your journey.
Make sure you plan ahead when purchasing train tickets to get the cheapest price possible. We have some tips you can adopt to help you save money on future train travel.
1. Book in advance for the cheapest fares
Get tickets for less with Grand Central Advance tickets, our best value yet - available up to 26 weeks in advance between London and any of our calling points in Yorkshire and North East.
If you are looking for cheap train tickets, when booking in advance you can save up to 87% on your train tickets with Grand Central.
Remember to book early as these fares are only available in advance of travel and there are a limited number for each service available.
2. Be Flexible
If you can be flexible about when you travel, it is best to avoid weekends. Travel mid-week and you're more likely to get the cheapest train tickets.
3. Buying two single train tickets may be cheaper
When you buy your ticket, it is always worth checking if two singles are cheaper than a return. They often are!
4. Get a Railcard
If you are eligible, you should consider buying a Railcard, which will cut a third off the price of your train tickets.
- 16-25 Railcard
- 26-30 Railcard
- Disabled Persons Railcard
- Family and Friends Railcard
- Senior Railcard
When travelling with a Railcard discounted ticket please ensure you carry your Railcard with you. You can find out more information on our Railcards page.
5. Use multi-trip carnet train tickets
If you’re a regular Grand Central customer, you could save money by using Carnet tickets for your journeys to and from London. Our Grand Central Carnet offers significant savings versus Grand Central Anytime and Off Peak fares. Carnet tickets are sold as a bundle of 10 single tickets which you can use as and when you need them. For more information and prices just visit our multi-buy tickets page.